Hello Messiah Family!
Messiah has returned to indoor gathering for worship on Sundays with two services at 8:30 and 10:15am. Online services are available for you, too, on the Worship Now page.
We remain deeply committed to the physical, spiritual, and emotional health of our Partners in Ministry, our staff, and our community at large. Accordingly, we will always offer on-line worship services for those who are unable to attend or prefer not to attend in-person worship. The decision to “re-gather” is a personal one. Each person should make this decision based on their own circumstances and health conditions.
If we have learned anything from this pandemic, it is flexibility. Things will certainly change as we move forward; many changes will still come; we cannot hope to go back to the past. We plan to embrace the best of what once was, as well as the essence of what it means to be the Body of Christ, as we find new ways to follow Jesus and love and serve God and our neighbors.
As we re-gather for worship and small groups at Messiah, we will take into account all of the health and safety recommendations from the CDC, our state government, and the Orange County Board of Health, and guidance we have received from the Pacifica Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
In order to follow local, state, and federal safety guidelines, worship services on campus will be modified and adjusted according to local guidelines, primarily in duration, seating, and content.
As you arrive at Messiah, you will need to wear a mask or face covering. This is a recommendation the OC Board of Health and will be Messiah's on-campus policy for the foreseeable future. (The only exceptions are for children under 2 years of age.)
Please maintain a 6 foot safety distance whenever possible. Plan to arrive a few minutes early in order to make the seating process safe and manageable.
Bathrooms will be open in the Worship Center, Life Center (lower floor), and Joy Center; the entrance door to the restrooms will remain open. Please use the available sinks, soap, and hand sanitizer after using the restroom.
While families can sit together, everyone else should strive to maintain six feet distance from others.
Messiah Kids will be offered for children 2yrs through 5th grade outdoor on the playground. No childcare will be provided due to strict safety requirements and ratios that cannot currently be maintained.
Please role-model courteous and safe community-minded actions when gathering, greeting, and moving around before and after worship services and other on-campus activities.
There will be songs sung by our worship leaders, Bible readings, prayers, a message, and a benediction. You may participate in singing and speaking while masked. There will be no Messiah Today or printed materials handed out. You may use the hymnals and registration cards. We will not pass an offering plate. Online giving is encouraged. Envelope offerings or cash offerings will be received via secure offering stations.
The outdoor and indoor areas on the campus are now open and available for small groups to begin meeting while maintaining a safety distance. People must wear a face mask or face covering while on campus and meeting in groups.
Choose Hope and Connect to Joy,
Your Church Council, Pastors, and Staff