Messiah Lutheran Church YL

9:15am Women's Holiday Brunch

9:15am Women's Holiday Brunch

Thursday, December 19, 2024, 9:15 AM - 11:15 AM

The Living Vine Women's Bible Study group invites you to their annual Christmas program, "Be Our Guest" on Thursday, December 19 in the Joy Center. Tanya La Soya will present a program on "Rejoice -- Celebrating Christmas!" The event will begin at 9:15am and will include a brunch buffet, holiday music, and a small group Christmas lesson. The program is free, but donations of cash or canned/boxed food for Caring Hands Food Pantry will be accepted. Childcare is available.  Sign up on the patio Dec. 8 and Dec. 15.

For more information contact Paula Mazurier at 714-350-2714.

Bring friends to this festive morning and prepare your heart for Christmas.

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