Messiah Lutheran Church is on the move to improve! From a perspective of the present we are looking to the future.
We are formulating fresh blueprints for action focusing on four key strategies: CONNECTION, FAITH FORMATION, OUTREACH, and WORSHIP.
Your feedback is vitally important for shaping the future of your church through and beyond COVID times. We are eager to spring forward turning fresh input into meaningful action.
Will you take 5 minutes now to help make your church experience better?
Please select one or more buttons below to tell us how we can serve you, your family, and your life in more meaningful ways.
Thank you, in advance, for your thoughts.
The strategies of CONNECTION, FAITH FORMATION, OUTREACH, and WORSHIP are aligned with our church’s Mission, Vision, and Promise: (M) Love God, Love One Another, (V) Everyone’s needs are met in the abundant love of God, and (P) Growing lives in Christ.
Our goal is to more fully live and grow into the following aspirational description of Messiah’s ministry: (A) Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Messiah's biblically centered outlook draws people into a closer relationship with Jesus and changes lives. We are equipping households of faith and people of all ages to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by serving our congregation, community, and world.