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Planned Giving


    Through the ELCA Foundation you can receive valuable planned giving assistance. They offer fiduciary advisors and complementary services to help you navigate among the many ways to create a personalized gift plan that benefits the ministries that mean the most to you while maximizing your financial and estate-planning goals.

    Possibilities include:

    • Facilitation of gifts made through wills, trusts, or estates
    • Resources specific to your legacy needs
    • Tools that create multiple avenues of approach like donor advised funds, named endowment funds, and charitable trusts and annuities
    • Gifts of cash, securities and real estate
    • Qualified charitable distributions (QCD) from your qualified retirement accounts
    • Personalized illustrations, and more

    Learn more about these and other options to open up new possibilities for caring for your family first...while fulfill your philanthropic interests and build a living legacy.

    Lisa Marie Higginbotham
    Regional Gift Planner- ELCA Foundation