Easter Project
This Easter season, we are supporting the good work of the Stocks with Agape International Missions (AIM) in Cambodia where they help prevent trafficking and child prostitution.
This Easter season, we are supporting the good work of the Stocks with Agape International Missions (AIM) in Cambodia where they help prevent trafficking and child prostitution.
Family Resources for Lent 2021
The 8:30am service is inside the Worship Center with Traditional Music (reservation required due to limited capacity) and the 10am service is outdoors under the tents with Contemporary Music (no reservation needed). Messiah Kids Activities is...
Messiah's animal ministry, All God's Creatures is collecting pet supplies for the Navigation Center in Placentia run by PATH (People Assisting the Homeless). This shelter allows pets and they are in need of some supplies. We are collecting items...
During the month of July we are collecting items to make blessing boxes for Messiah Preschool teachers.