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    Blessing of the Animals 2018

    10.07.18 | Events | by Shannon Cronin

    Our 5th Annual Blessing of the Animals was held on Sunday, October 7 at 11:45am. It was a beautiful day and lots of animals attended along with their owners. The majority of animals were dogs, but we did see one cat. One owner even showed a...

      Kickoff Sunday Family Picnic

      09.09.18 | Events | by Shannon Cronin

      Messiah's Fall Kickoff Sunday was on September 9. We celebrated with a blended service at 10am. Beautiful music was heard from the Choir and Praise Band, along with a powerful message from Pastor Bob, the first of our new series, "More than...

        2018 Living Vine Spring Celebration

        03.22.18 | Events | by Shannon Cronin

        The ladies of the Living Vine Women's Bible Study held their annual Spring Celebration on Thursday, March 22. Guest Speaker, Sarah Ferraro offered advice on how to come out of hiding and accept God's love and forgiveness. The rainy weather didn't...

          Alzheimer's Worship Service and Luncheon

          02.08.18 | Events | by Shannon Cronin

          Messiah's annual Alzheimer's worship service and lunch was held on Wednesday, February 7 at 10am. It was our biggest turnout with 85 guests from various homes in the area. They enjoyed Pastor Bob's message and singing "Jesus Loves Me"...

            2017 Kid's Christmas Pageant

            12.22.17 | Events | by Shannon Cronin

            Messiah's annual Christmas Pageant is always a special service and this was no exception. 27 children participated in telling the Christmas story, through acting, narration and traditional songs, complete with costumes. A cookie social followed...
