Mexico Build Trip
The weekend of March 24-26, a team of nine from Messiah traveled to Tijuana for the annual home construction project.
The weekend of March 24-26, a team of nine from Messiah traveled to Tijuana for the annual home construction project.
Our first ever Chili Feed for the increasing homeless population in Santa Ana was a huge success! There were nearly 400 people eager to be fed. Messiah partnered with the Orange County Rescue Mission to offer food as well as personal hygiene...
Chicks with Sticks coordinators, Sharon Larson and Donna Tucker organized a No-Sew Blanket Lenten service project where 37 blankets were made! There were five more finished after the event, so a total of 42 blankets were delivered to the...
The Confirmation 24-Hour Serving Event, Serve S’More was a huge success! We had just under 40 students and five leaders here on Friday ready to have fun, worship, hear from an amazing speaker, and spend the night in the Youth Center. On Saturday...